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About the NQA:

The National Qigong Association (NQA), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is the premier membership organization for Qigong. We are an umbrella for all groups, schools, and enthusiasts Western or Eastern, Ancient or Modern.

Vision Statement

Offer pathways to discover our innate nature.

Mission Statement

Promote the understanding of Qigong for present and future generations without bias or prejudice.

Core Values
- Integrity
- Compassion

Living Our Values

Like fibers woven into rope, our aligned values strengthen our association and those we serve.

- Not just a list of people or a set of classes, we are a community. Creating opportunities for people to learn more about qigong. Hosting regional and national qigong conferences to provide a venue for education and fellowship.Sponsoring regional events organized by local members including World Tai Chi Qigong Day (WTCQD) annually on the last Saturday in April sand NQA Day annually the first weekend of October.

INTEGRITY - Balancing tradition with contemporary needs.Offering certification for qigong instructors and clinical qigong practitioners. NQA certification is recognized as the national standard for legislation and by peer organizations.Maintaining a directory of professional qigong instructors who teach a variety of qigong styles and systems and offer introductory through advanced training; and clinical qigong practitioners who offer in-person and distant healing sessions.Supporting public education and scientific endeavors as the benefits of qigong and tai chi are researched, documented, and published.

COMPASSION - Fostering the well-being of individuals and communities through the lens of qigong. Making the benefits of practicing qigong available to everyone by offering the world an accessible, caring community of practitioners and instructors.